Privacy Policy

Updted 25th March 2024

1. Data Controller

This document formalizes Teral SAS’s policies on the handling of personal data for all users, employees, suppliers, and data subjects. Teral SAS, representing the Teral brand and based in Colombia, with the email address, is responsible for this information. We guarantee the right to access, update, and correct the data stored in Teral SAS’s databases or files.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all databases and personal data contained within them for which Teral SAS is responsible, in accordance with Law 1581 of 2012 and other relevant regulations. For the purposes of this policy, the following terms have the meanings provided by Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1377 of 2013:

A) Authorization: Prior, express, and informed consent from the data subject for processing their personal data.

B) Privacy Notice: A verbal or written communication from the Controller to the data subject informing them of the data processing policies, access methods, and purposes of data processing.

C) Database: An organized set of personal data subject to processing.

D) Personal Data: Any information related to or that can be associated with a specific or identifiable individual. Some personal data is considered “public data,” such as information in the Civil Registry. Teral SAS collects and processes various personal data in compliance with Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1377 of 2012.

E) Sensitive Data: Data that affects the subject's privacy or could lead to discrimination, including information about racial or ethnic origin, political orientation, religious or philosophical beliefs, union membership, health, sexual life, and biometric data.

F) Processor: An individual or entity, public or private, that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller.

G) Data Controller: An individual or entity, public or private, that decides on the database and/or data processing.

H) Data Subject: An individual whose personal data is processed.

I) Processing: Any operation or set of operations performed on personal data, such as collection, storage, use, circulation, or deletion.

J) Transfer: When the Controller and/or Processor in Colombia sends personal data to a recipient, who is also a Data Controller, either within or outside the country.

K) Transmission: The processing of personal data that involves communication within or outside Colombia for processing by the Processor on behalf of the Data Controller.

3. Processing

Teral SAS collects, stores, and processes personal data, which will be handled confidentially and in accordance with the Constitution and applicable laws. The specific purposes for processing personal data include:

3.1 This policy applies to personal data provided to Teral SAS through any means, including oral, written, online, via the app, or physically, and data collected from public databases.

3.2 Processing of personal data in medical case collection involves sensitive data related to audiovisual material, clinical information, and sociodemographic details necessary for app operation.

3.3 Processing of professional health user data includes sociodemographic details such as names, contact information, profession, and work experience.

3.4 Processing of personal data for commercial and marketing purposes includes basic contact information for communication about Teral SAS services.

3.5 Processing of employee data for recruitment and welfare involves personal information collected directly from employees.

3.6 Processing of personal data for customer service involves information collected for handling inquiries, complaints, and requests.

3.7 Processing of personal data for communication purposes includes images for social media and other promotional activities.

4. Purposes of Data Collection and Storage.

Data collected by Teral SAS is used for the following purposes:

A) Development, design, and programming of specialized software.

B) Structuring and classifying medical case repositories.

C) Communicating medical cases to create treatment and diagnostic precedents.

D) Facilitating information exchange among health professionals using the app.

E) Supporting telemedicine operations as per regulatory standards, with Teral serving as a communication tool.

F) Monitoring clinical cases.

G) Sending information about Teral SAS services.

H) Managing contractual relationships with employees, collaborators, or contractors.

I) Recruitment, including resume review and data verification.

J) Employee welfare activities.

K) Handling user complaints.

L) Managing accounting and financial activities.

M) Promoting events on social media.

N) Transferring information to authorized third parties for the stated purposes.

Teral SAS may contact data subjects through various means and will not share information outside these purposes unless necessary for compliance. Statistical, historical, or marketing analyses may be conducted, but personal data will not be shared without authorization.

5. Rights of the Data Subject

Data subjects have the following rights:

a) To know, update, and correct their data.

b) To request proof of authorization for data processing.

c) To be informed about the use of their data.

d) To file complaints with the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce for violations of data protection laws.

e) To revoke authorization and/or request data deletion if legal requirements are not met.

f) To access their data free of charge.

6. Responsibilities of the Data Controller

Teral SAS, as the Data Controller, must:

A) Ensure data subjects can exercise their rights.

B) Request and keep records of authorization.

C) Inform data subjects about data collection purposes and their rights.

D) Securely store information to prevent unauthorized access.

E) Ensure information provided to the Processor is accurate and updated.

F) Rectify incorrect information and inform the Processor.

G) Provide only authorized data to the Processor.

H) Ensure the Processor respects data security and privacy.

I) Handle queries and complaints as per legal requirements.

J) Implement internal policies and procedures for compliance.

K) Notify when data is disputed.

L) Inform the data protection authority of security breaches.

M) Comply with instructions from the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce.

7. Authorization and Consent

The collection, storage, use, circulation, or deletion of personal data by Teral SAS requires the data subject's free, prior, express, and informed consent.

7.1 Authorization can be given in various formats, including physical documents, electronic messages, or through online mechanisms.

7.2 Teral SAS will maintain records of consent through current and future mechanisms.

8. Handling Requests, Queries, and Complaints

8.1 Teral SAS’s Customer Service handles requests, queries, complaints, and/or claims regarding data rights. Queries will be addressed within ten (10) business days. If not possible, the data subject will be informed of the delay and new response date.

8.2 Requests can be made via email at

9. Applicable Regulations

This Privacy Policy is governed by Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1377 of 2013, and any modifications.

10. Validity

This policy is effective from May 2022 and will remain valid for 20 years. Teral SAS reserves the right to review and modify this policy, with updates published on its website/app.

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