Terms and Conditions

Updted 25th March 2024

These terms and conditions govern the functionalities, rights, and obligations of the users and the TERAL platform, which aims to provide better services to its users for the use and payment of various services and associated products. In this way, we add the following functionalities and their usage.

1. What can be done through Teral?

Functionalities available to users:

  1. Register accurate and verifiable personal data necessary to enjoy the application’s functionality.

  2. Create and edit their user profile.

  3. Capture audiovisual recordings (photos and videos up to 1:30 minutes) of the cases they wish to register; these can be created directly from the TERAL camera or uploaded from the phone’s gallery.

  4. Register and compile personal clinical cases with the following items:

    • Relevant case information

    • Case visibility (public or private)

    • PDF documents

    • Share medical insights with other users (general practitioners, specialists, residents, nurses, and other related healthcare professionals): In compliance with Resolution 2654 of 2019 from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, doctors may share information among themselves, utilizing the modalities outlined in Chapter 2 of this decree (TELESALUD). However, the responsibility arising from these health modalities will always fall on the doctors themselves, and TERAL will never be responsible for the opinions expressed by doctors, serving solely as a digital communication tool facilitating this connection.

  5. Publish clinical cases or save them as drafts.

  6. Invite doctors to join the TERAL community.

  7. Add contacts.

  8. View, comment on, and appreciate other clinical cases.

  9. Edit personal clinical cases.

  10. Share clinical cases with other users.

  11. Share private clinical cases with specific users.

  12. Share clinical cases for collaboration with other users.

  13. Monitor clinical cases that are being managed in collaboration with another user.

  14. Consult their own clinical cases and public clinical cases of other users.

  15. Communicate with other registered users for case resolution.

  16. Ensure that the Teral community consists exclusively of medical professionals.

2. Teral Services

Teral is a mobile application that facilitates the collection of clinical cases for the entire medical professional community, gathering all the necessary information related to the clinical case, patient, exams, videos, documents, photos, follow-ups, treatment, clinical outcomes, and other required data. It also allows professionals to maintain a history and easily search for information in cases for personal, investigative, and professional use.

Additionally, users can organize their clinical cases by pathologies, preferences, and other filters, and they can obtain real-time information, comments, or observations from peers to achieve more effective treatments or solutions with fewer complications and greater success rates.

To use the TERAL app, users must:

  1. Have an Android or iOS mobile device compatible with the minimum technical requirements specified by the App, which may be modified at any time by TERAL.

  2. Access the app store of their mobile device's operating system (iOS or Android) and download the TERAL app.

  3. Upon entering the App, the User must enter their mobile phone number.

  4. During the registration process, the User must create and register a personal, non-transferable password in the App, which will allow them to activate and reactivate the App at any time from any compatible mobile device, noting that the App will only be usable on the last activated mobile device.

  5. In the registration process, the User must provide a valid document proving they belong to the healthcare sector (doctor, specialist, veterinarian, dentist, etc.) through a diploma, institutional ID card, or RUNT CARD - UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION OF HUMAN HEALTH TALENT; this document can be attached or a photo of the physical document can be taken and uploaded along with the registration of other personal information.

  6. Once the above data is filled in, the User must carefully read TERAL's Terms and Conditions and Data Processing Policy. If the User, after thoroughly reviewing both documents, finds them acceptable, they must indicate their acceptance by checking the "checkbox" available during the registration process.

  7. The User is solely responsible for safeguarding the password created for the use of TERAL. Therefore, the use of TERAL is personal and non-transferable.

  8. In the event of theft or loss of the mobile device with access to TERAL, the User must immediately notify the App so that it can proceed with the blocking of the App on the device where it was downloaded. If the User fails to provide timely notice, any operations carried out by third parties with access to their information and device will be considered valid and successful, and can only be contested for faults attributable to TERAL. TERAL will not be responsible for any omission or delay by the User in requesting the App's blocking.

  9. Link a credit card, debit card, e-card, or other products that allow the payment of the subscription.

3. User Obligations
  1. Regularly download the App updates.

  2. Use the App personally.

  3. Provide accurate, complete, and truthful personal data and passwords for identity confirmation and authenticity verification.

  4. Provide accurate, complete, and truthful data for their clinical cases, as well as for comments or observations on external cases.

  5. Carefully read the terms and conditions, data processing policies, authorizations, and consents to correctly use the application.

  6. Ensure that patients authorize the processing of their information for medical purposes in the application.

  7. Follow TERAL's recommendations regarding best practices for using the App.

  8. Periodically change the security passwords for access and use of the App.

  9. Immediately report to TERAL the loss and/or theft of the phone and/or mobile device from which the App is used.

  10. Immediately report to TERAL any unauthorized and/or fraudulent actions conducted through the App that they are aware of or should have been aware of.

  11. Periodically review TERAL's Terms and Conditions, as the User may only use the App as long as they accept its Terms and Conditions. If the User disagrees with the App's Terms and Conditions, they must inform their intent to cease using the App and/or proceed with its deletion from their mobile device.

  12. Ensure and authorize that their personal data can remain in TERAL's databases for the period during which claims, information requests, reversals, and/or cancellations of payment transactions made through the App may arise, even after discontinuing or canceling the use of TERAL. Once this period expires, TERAL will proceed to delete personal data in accordance with Law 1581 of 2012 and related regulations.

  13. Refrain from using TERAL for any operations with illegal causes and/or objectives.

4. Teral's Obligations Regarding the Teral Tool
  1. Ensure compliance with security standards regarding Users' information and transactions.

  2. Make the App available to Users for timely use of case capture and other existing functionalities.

  3. The patient's data will only be visible to the case creator and/or the contracted physician.

  4. Inform Users of changes and/or modifications to the Terms and Conditions through the App and/or via https://www.teralmed.com/, which may be modified unilaterally and at any time by TERAL LLC.

  5. Ensure that payment transactions made through the App are carried out via the mobile device where the App has been activated.

  6. Treat Users' information, known by TERAL through the use of the App, with absolute confidentiality and discretion.

  7. Perform regular maintenance on the software and hardware supporting the App.

5. User Acceptance

By accepting these terms, the User explicitly and irrevocably declares and accepts the following:

  1. All the information provided to TERAL is complete, accurate, valid, and truthful.

  2. The User uses TERAL at their own account and risk.

  3. The User authorizes TERAL LLC to confront and verify the accuracy of their personal data and those derived from their credit and/or debit cards, which may be confronted, verified, and shared with Associated Merchants and Financial Entities, as applicable, to perfect payment transactions and confirm the existence of such payment methods.

  4. Due to the nature of the App, it may experience interruptions or suspensions due to various factors, including, but not limited to, server maintenance, suspension or cut-off of mobile data, power outages, system failures, or other interruptions that may affect the processing and completion of payment transactions.

  5. Comments made on each clinical case are the sole responsibility of the commenter and are integral parts of the associated case information.

  6. TERAL does not guarantee that the TERAL tool will function uninterruptedly.

Likewise, TERAL does not guarantee continuous and uninterrupted access to the App, as its operation may be affected by various factors and circumstances beyond the company's control.

6. Intellectual Property

The User agrees that acceptance of these Terms and Conditions does not, under any circumstances, transfer ownership rights to the User regarding any elements subject to protection under applicable Intellectual Property laws that belong to TERAL. This declaration also includes the trademarks and distinctive signs of Associated Merchants.

Final User Authorizations in Accordance with the Privacy Policy:

  1. That TERAL processes their personal information and that derived from the use of the App in accordance with the functionalities described in these Terms and Conditions and the purposes set out in TERAL LLC's Data Processing Policy.

  2. That TERAL sends text or data messages to their mobile phone, email, and/or other available communication channels with information related to the use of the App and commercial information about related Goods and/or Services, as applicable.

  3. That TERAL charges or debits the User's payment instrument as necessary to complete the subscription.

  4. That TERAL may conduct research and identity verification activities to verify the information provided by the User (personal and financial data) and obtain application information or statistics.

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Enhance Patient Care with Teral in Your Hospital

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